Carbohydrate, biochemical and nutrient content in different date fruit varieties
Authors: A.B.M Sharif Hossain, Abdelmuhsin Abdelgadir
Pages: 181-189, 2018
Open Access!
Dates fruit exhibit a superlative role as nutritional and medicinal fruit. It is used as fruit as well as a source of different types of food, nutritional and bio-medicinal products. Dates contain a form of sugar that reveal the high level of mobility and heat energy which can easily be broken down in the body. Dates contain vitamins and minerals. The study was conducted to evaluate the carbohydrates (fructose, glucose and inverted sugar), biochemical (pH, TSS) and nutrient content (K+) as affected by different dates cultivars. Fruit weight and length were higher in rushudia and sukkari cultivars than in sabakat, nabatat ali, and dasia cultivars. Moreover, glucose content was found higher in sukkari cultivar than in sabakat, nabatat ali, rushudia, and dasia cultivars. However, inverted sugar and fructose contents were found higher in sukkari and sabakat cultivars than in nabatat ali, rushudia, and dasia cultivars. There was no significantly differences in pH among all cultivars. Total soluble solid (TSS) content was found higher in sukkari cultivar than in sabakat, nabatat ali, rushudia, and dasia cultivars. In addition, potassium content was found higher in sukkari, sabakat and nabtat ali cultivars than in rushudia, and dasia cultivars. The results conclude that sukkaria and sabakat cultivars contain better biochemical and nutrient content than other cultivars.