NIJST Volume 2 & Issue 1
Digital India Digital Voting System Using Android
Authors: Divyansh Paliwal, Datta Bhosale, Suraj Bargaje, Sanket Bhavsar, Prof.Vikas Kadam
Pages: 37-40, April 11, 2021 | Open Access!
Applications of Ferromagnetic Materials
Authors: *Dr.R. Komala, Head, Dept of Physics(1) Miss. Sripada Satya Samhitha, Second B.Sc.(2)
Pages: 41-43, April 04, 2021 | Open Access!
Applications of High k and Low k Dielectrics
Authors: *Dr.R.Komala, Head, Dept of Physics(1) Miss N.Navyasri, Second B.Sc(2)
Pages: 44-46, April 9, 2021 | Open Access!
Heart Disease Prediction Using Logistic Regression
Authors: *Suja A. Alex 1 , S. Gayathri Sadhana 2 , S. Geethanjali Jayasree3
Pages: 47-53, April 30, 2021 | Open Access!
Analyzing the Stability Limit of Distribution Lines with Distributed Generation Using a Novel Voltage Stability Indicator
Authors: *Dr.P.Sundararaman, Dr. T. Menakadevi, Dr.C.Kumar
Pages: 54-64, April 22, 2021 | Open Access!
Development and Validation of UV - Visible Spectrophotometric Method in Pharmaceutical Formulation for Ribavirin
Authors: P. Srujana,(1) T. Shobha Rani*(2) and M. Reddeppa(3)
Pages: 65-72, May 30, 2021 | Open Access!