Traditional Uses of Wild Vegetable Plants among Adi Community nearby Daying Ering Wildlife Sanctuary, Eastern Himalaya, North East India
Authors: K. Jeyaprakash, Y.J. Lego and S. Rathinavel
Pages: 165-180, 2017
Open Access!
The present study was undertaken from March 2014 to June 2016 to explore the plant resources used for various purposes along with associated knowledge by the Adi community settled nearby area of Daying Ering Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, an underexplored and biodiversity rich region of Eastern Himalaya, North East India. The information was obtained through open and face-to-face interviews with the local knowledgeable people. Totally fifty five plant species belonging to fifty two genera and forty one families were documented in the study. The dominant families in the observation was Comositae four species followed by Apiaceae, Melastomataceae, Piperaceae containing three species each; Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae and Urticaceae consists two species each and remaining thirty two families having one species each. An analysis of the life form indicates that herbs (47%) play a major role in the culture of Adi people followed by shrubs (29%), climbers (13%) and 11% tree species. The people using plants for various purposes, viz.: vegetable (28 reports) followed by edible (16 reports), fodder and ritual (3 reports each), thatch, rope and flavour (2 reports each), broom and smoke containing one report each. The present study revealed that, people of the study area are extensively using the plants for various purposes like food vegetable/edible), fodder, religious, thatching, cordage, flavour, broom and household. Plants with high use value and fidelity level should be subjected to nutraceutical investigation for scientific validation.