New host records of tea mosquito bug (Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse) in tea plantations of India
Authors: K. Srikumar, S. Smitha, K. B. Suresh, B. Radhakrishnan
Pages: 61-64, June 15, 2016
Open Access!
The extensive survey in tea plantations (2014-16) recorded nine plants belonging to nine families as new host plants for important pest of tea, Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse. The new host plants recorded were Acalypha wilkesiana, Annona squamosa, Clidemia hirta, Cyclea peltata, Dioscorea sp., Ludwigia peruviana, Malvavicus penduliflorus, Pentas lanceolata and Plectranthus amboinicus. Helopeltis theivorais a polyphagous pest having fast devastating capacity, there is a need for continuous watch on occurrence of H. theivoraon alternate host plants in tea plantations so as to monitor the population and to time management strategies.