A New Record of Arisaema tylophorum C.E.C.Fisch (Araceae) an Endemic and Endangered Cobra Lily in the Nilgiri Mountains, India
Arisaema tylophorum C.E.C. Fisch. (Araceae) is an endemic and endangered cobra lily discussed in the context of botanical exploration in the Nilgiri Mountains of India and its conservation implications. A rare plant from historical collections was last seen in 1932, and its rediscovery was first recorded in June 2019. It was documented as a new record for the region, specifically in the Kundah range of the Nilgiri Mountains. The species was identified using morphological information from live samples and herbarium specimens obtained from multiple herbaria. A key and images are included to accurately identify similar species in various locations. Based on recent collections, this study represents and provides clear information about the taxonomic range, characterization, risk, and conservation status of A. tylophorum.