Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by Badagas people in Ketti Valley, Nilgiri district, Western Ghats, India
Authors: M. Visveshwari, B. Subbaiyan, V. Thangapandian
Pages: 135-146, 2016
Open Access!
A survey was made to list out the medicinal plant used by Badagas people of Ketti valley, Nilgiri district, Tamil Nadu. Plants were collected during the field visit from (June 2014-July 2015). The Herbarium was prepared to maintain the specimens for future identification purpose. A total of 54 plants belong to 30 families were identified and documented. The survey revealed that leaves of maximum number of plants are used by the traditional folk healers to treat the many diseases like skin disease, wound healing, Jaundice, rheumatism etc. The ethnobotanical survey made to realize that proper analysis using appropriate techniques can reveal many unexplored compounds from these plants, which may be induced in the production of new drugs.