The Ayurvedic classics advices can be helpful to prevent the COVID-19

Date Posted: 03/29/2020

COVID -19, the present concern and problem of the globe is standing as a serious and strong obstacle in the development of the present society. Common people are in fear, the administration is in dilemma and researchers are in the challenge. Even after continuous effort, the scientists are not being able to give a concluding remark on etiology, mode of spread, prevention and treatment. Ultimately the administration is to declare “LOCKDOWN” to maintain the “SOCIAL DISTANCE” among the public.

The general citizens, with great difficulty, is co-operating with the administration and it is expected that the learned and wise human society will be able to overcome the situation under the guidance and leadership of the efficient and popular leaders of the society. Hope the citizens will participate in the “LOCKDOWN” wholeheartedly and save the human society from the threatening of the fatal “CORONA”. Everybody should keep it in mind – “any negligence and deficiency in maintaining “SOCIAL DISTANCE” will be proved to be an invited curse for our future”.

Here one thing should be kept in mind that, as reference available, the human society has faced such dreadful threatening before now also. The great scholar, father of Indian Medicine, Charaka in his famous “CHARAKA SAMHITA BIMANA STHANA THIRD CHAPTER” nicely describes a situation like the present one giving the nomenclature “JANAPAD DHWANGSA” when a huge number of the population suffer from some type of signs and symptoms and loose life. Susruta also, in “KALPASTHANA THIRD CHAPTER” describes some signs and symptoms that have close similarity with the present signs and symptoms of “COVID-19”.

From the descriptions of the Ayurvedic classics, the following advice can be considered to be helpful in the present situation – 

  1. Try to keep your surrounding clean. For purification of air using the smoke of Neem, Lakh, Chandan, Ghee (easily available and not too costly) every day.
  2. Take nutritious and easily digestible food.
  3. Drink sufficient quantity of boiled water.
  4. Maintain mental health by talking less, beneficial things, meditation, yoga etc.
  5. Follow the instructions of the administration strictly and co-operate wholeheartedly. 



Dr Dilip Kr. Goswami

Associate Professor

Govt. Ayurvedic College, Guwahati – 781014.

(M): – 9864351115.

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