How to protect people against coronavirus and follow the strategy to reduce infection
Date Posted: 04/29/2020
The study focused on various steps and strategy to protect people against coronavirus infection as follows:
The people who come from foreign countries, other states, or other districts are considered as travelers. Travelers who are highly chance to get an infection of coronavirus. So we have to identify them at a very early stage and we should catch them the day itself who entered the country, state, district, and villages. And we should keep them in the separate HOTEL or LODGE as for Quarantine. We should not send them to their home or native place. Because coronavirus may be very active in indoor places while comparing to outdoor places in India. If traveler (I mean single person) stay at their home and they will spread easily to their family members and eventually it increases the number of corona virus-infected people in India. As per procedure, we should keep them for 14 or 28 days in an isolated Hotel or Lodge under the observation of government representative as quarantine. After 28 days, he/she should go for COVID-19 test whether he/she infected by the coronavirus. If he/she got positive symptoms they have to go further treatment otherwise they can go back to their home according to the doctor’s instructions.
Face Mask
The face mask is a very important preventive tool for every family member. Because the head of the family member is coming outside to buy vegetables or other necessary items. If they did not wear the mask properly and then they will catch the infections easily and after they go home and it spreads quickly to other members of the family. So if the government design a quality face mask that could help every people of the Indian Citizen. You can issue two face masks for each family like washable materials that could save people against coronavirus infection.
Grocery shops
Importantly, coronavirus may be active in indoor regions like home, AC rooms/hall, mall, theatres, classrooms, and all types of offices, etc. It may be less active in the outdoor regions and open areas. Moreover, it may be very active in more densely human populated places or areas and closely located houses, if any person got an infection of the coronavirus among these places. Therefore it shows the coronavirus spreading easily those who interact with other people like family members, friends, relatives, colleagues, vegetable sellers, and other sellers or buyers. So I suggest we should close all types of shops that include medical shops for the next 9 days. Instead of this, the local government bodies can arrange to sell vegetables, grocery items, and medical items through door delivery. This could be an effective initiative to control the spreading of the COVID-19.
The next most threatening people are truck drivers. They can carry the coronavirus easily because they are highly traveling everywhere. So we should check and monitor them carefully and properly. Through truck drivers will spread to vegetable sellers and then every people of the family meeting vegetable sellers regularly and will get infection easily and it spreads every people of the family. If it happens like this, we are moving at 3rd stage of infection. If the 3rd stage started we could not able to control or prevent the 4th stage of infection. Because still people are lacking awareness about the coronavirus.
Moreover the truck drivers are helping ordinary people to go back their hometown or native place. If it happens now they can easily bring the coronavirus into the small villages or towns. Besides, in villages or small towns, most of the people are living in the small houses. Even they do not have two or three rooms to make self-isolation. They are all living together in the same rooms and heads of the family coming outside to buy vegetables without wearing a proper mask. So it will be a danger for everyone, that is why I suggest please close all the shops of vegetables and medicals. Kindly take an effort to sell through door delivery.
Social Distance in outer places
The government has announced to deliver ration food items by next week. They are issuing the token through door delivery, simultaneously if they issue all ration food items through door delivery that would be effective preventive measures of the coronavirus. Because people standing and form queue through line segment. By the way, if one corona infected person standing in the same line and do coughing and sneezing, the virus can sustain the atmosphere for at least two hours during the sunlight and the following person could catch virus easily. So I suggest it possible to check the person wear a quality mask and keep them Zig-Zag line. It would be much better if we issue food items and tokens through door delivery. They can also strictly follow the 144 rules. In hilly regions, the temperature might be lower so there is more chance to survive the virus for longer time in the air. So please issue the ration food items through door delivery and it is not necessary to stand nearby the shop to purchase the ration foods. It will be better for people to stay at home and effective to control the spreading of the coronavirus in the hill stations.
“A person does not meet any person” and A family does not meet any family” and wears a quality mask to go outside. This is the only way to prevent the coronavirus until we find a permanent solution or find a vaccine for coronavirus. “A person does not speak and spit in the common places without mouth mask” But most of the people are doing these things during this critical time. Therefore, people and government cooperation are the only way to defeat the coronavirus. It is more important when the government confirmed the zero people not to get any infections at least for two weeks then only the government can able to withdraw the lockdown. At the same time when the lockdown extended then poverty will increase and the economic activity will go down. So we have to bring the end of the spreading of the coronavirus soon. “EVERYONE WAITING FOR THE WINNING DAY AGAINST CORONAVIRUS”. THINK EVERYONE NOT TO MEET ANY PERSON IN A DAY” THEN FUTURE IS OURS.
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